Monday, September 27, 2010

Wedding Gaff!

Here we have an amazing bouquet for Suzy's wedding. Yes, it is beige coloured fabic tape - also known as Gaff Tape!!

Gaff tape is the Force - Light on one side, dark on the other side and it holds the universe together!

DQs and challenges

Whimsical Bead Designer Quest

Amya Beads Designer Quest

Australian Beaders Bushranger Challenge ~ this piece came second.

Amya Beads Designer Quest

Australian Beaders Bushranger Challenge ~ this piece came second.

An overdue update

Goodness me, how time flies! I have been working full time for the last year and have found that being creative has impinged on my ability to Blog as well!!!

Make something every day started off quite well... but petered out by Febuary (as all good new year resolutions do).

I have been making many amazing things. I think the best thing to do is give you a photo montage to update the things I have managed to acheive in the creative world.

Some chunky chain maille

Zipper Roses

Gaff tape Roses


Artists who blog